The Project

Digitization, Digital Restoration and Presentation of old Photographs /Digital Restoration Lab/


KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (KA202)

The project is supported by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

About the project

Photographic collections are part of the cultural heritage and require special attention and care. Regardless of their area, photographs do not recognize temporal, linguistic, or physical boundaries. Their subject matter provides information that creates an impact related to aesthetics, history, or pure science, making them not only a mirror of technological progress but also a proven part of the world’s cultural heritage. Globalization and multicultural society require fast access to information and communications. The risk of destruction under the influence of time requires the creation of digitized resources with rare photographs. Digitized images are quickly and easily disseminated online through modern technologies.

Digital Restoration lab is a project aimed at systematizing, integrating, and disseminating modern practices for restoration, digitization, digital restoration, and exposure of antique photographs. The most valuable priority of the project is the inclusion of photographic collections in the European digital information fund. Almost all institutions (photo studios, libraries, archives, photo archives, museums, galleries, scientific institutions) need to facilitate access to their collections while simultaneously protecting the originals stored in a controlled access regime, which would reduce the risk of damage, fragility, pollution, fading of images, etc. Many institutions do not have experts specialized in the preservation of old photographs.

To achieve success in the preservation of photographic collections, it is necessary for specialists to be familiar with the characteristics of different photographic processes, which will allow the organization of the most favorable conditions for storage and use of every type of photography.

Main objectives

The main task of the project is to create accessible materials and conditions for digitization, data maintenance for the service of amateur and professional photographers, managers of small photo studios, photo archives, students and teachers in the field of photography, librarians and archivists from small libraries, archives, reading rooms, museums, monasteries, teachers engaged in the field of lifelong learning, and others who wish to support smaller institutions in the application of new techniques for digitization and restoration of rare photographs, which can reach the wider public in an attractive way.

Target groups

  • Photographers, archivists, heads of small photo studios, photo archives and students and teachers in the field of photography
  • librarians and archivists from small libraries, archives, community centers, museums and monasteries
  • Managing staff of small libraries, archives, community centers, museums and monasteries
  • VET teachers / trainers engaged in specific fields of study of photography
  • archivists and managers in larger libraries, archives, community centers, museums and monasteries, wishing to support smaller institutions in the implementation of digital digitization and to reach the public in appealing way


  1. Creating a film for the process of digital photo restoration and conservation.
  2. Developing a manual for the digitizing process/ Training Modules
  3. Setting up an Open Flexible Learning system. for the Training Modules
  4. Six training seminars.
  5. International conference with 50 participants.
  6. Creation of an interactive exhibition (3d mapping, photogrammetry, LIDAR (Light Identification Detection and Ranging,
    VR, etc.), as a demonstration of methods for exposing digital images.

Project partnership

National High School of Polygraphy and Photography, which partners with Bartin University, Turkey, the Center for Vocational Training at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies, Bulgaria, Riga State Technical School, Latvia, Biblioteca Judeteana George Baritiu Brasov, Romania, and Student Computer Art Society, Bulgaria.

National High School of Polygraphy and Photography, Bulgaira – project coordinator

Bartin University, Türkiye

Center for Vocational Training at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies, Bulgaria

Riga State Technical School, Latvia

Biblioteca Judeteana George Baritiu Brasov, Romania

Student Computer Art Society, Bulgaria