
International Conference

Modern practices and methods of Digitization, Digital Restoration & Presentation of old Photographs

/Digital Restoration Lab/


Date: 11.06.2024

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

National History Museum

Speaking language: English

Digital Restoration lab is a project aimed at systematizing, integrating, and disseminating modern practices for restoration, digitization, digital restoration, and exposure of antique photographs. The most valuable priority of the project is the inclusion of photographic collections in the European digital information fund. Almost all institutions (photo studios, libraries, archives, photo archives, museums, galleries, scientific institutions) need to facilitate access to their collections while simultaneously protecting the originals stored in a controlled access regime, which would reduce the risk of damage, fragility, pollution, fading of images, etc. Many institutions do not have experts specialized in the preservation of old photographs.

E-collection of scientific papers

Main themes

1. History and types of photography, and the need for digitization
2. Storage, maintenance, conservation of analogue photographs (originals)
3. Process of digitization, types of hardware and software for digitization and copyright
4. Maintaining digital data, metadata and catalogues
5. Digital restoration of photographs
6. Displaying digitized collections to the public in the most attractive way

Information for speakers

Send materials to: labdigitalrestoration@gmail.com



National Museum of History

Adrress: 16 “Vitoshko Lale” St, Sofia 1618, BULGARIA

Hall: Conference hall / Пленарна зала 

You need to fill in the registration form to attend the conference.




Results from the conference will be published after its end.

Project partnership

National High School of Polygraphy and Photography, which partners with Bartin University, Turkey, the Center for Vocational Training at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies, Bulgaria, Riga State Technical School, Latvia, Biblioteca Judeteana George Baritiu Brasov, Romania, and Student Computer Art Society, Bulgaria.

National High School of Polygraphy and Photography, Bulgaria – project coordinator

Bartin University, Türkiye

Center for Vocational Training at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies, Bulgaria

Riga State Technical School, Latvia

Biblioteca Judeteana George Baritiu Brasov, Romania

Student Computer Art Society, Bulgaria